Code of Conduct

From NUREL, with the objective of ensuring the code of conduct, human rights, safety, our environmental commitment, and business integrity, we adhere to the regulations established by the SAMCA group. You can consult our ethical code here.


Freedom of Association

The right of all personnel to join the unions of their choice and to bargain collectively will be respected.

Social discrimination

Discrimination based on sex, age, religion, race, social origin, disability, ethnic or national origin, membership of workers’ organizations including trade unions, political affiliation, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic will not be tolerated.

Forced labour, harassment and disciplinary measures

All types of forced labour, workplace or sexual harassment,bodily harm, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse are prohibited.

Child labour

Child labour is prohibited, as established in the ILO Conventions and the United Nations conventions and country laws.

Salaries and compensation

Salaries shall not be less than the legal minimum wage, and shall be paid in full compliance with the collective agreement and applicable laws.

Work schedule and rest days

The company will comply with all laws and regulations that apply to it in relation to working hours, as well as in relation to breaks, vacations and permits.

Employment practices

Only workers who have legal authorization to work and the appropriate documentation, will be employed All work will be voluntary and the worker will be free to terminate his contract by giving reasonable notice. Obligations with employees are subject to labour, social security and collective agreement legislation or those applicable at any time.


Workplace environment

A safe and healthy work environment shall be provided, adopting the necessary measures to prevent accidents or damage to workers’ health, especially with regard to the provision and use of protective equipment, adequate services and access to drinking water.

Rules and procedures

A set of clear rules and procedures in relation to occupational health and safety will be established, a representative of the management of the company is appointed as responsible for the health and safety of staff, that will ensure the implementation and compliance with all standards, procedures and established protocols; appropriate systems will be maintained to detect, avoid or respond to possible health and safety risks in all personnel.

Emergency preparedness and training

A Plan will be available for emergency response, risk or threats to the health and safety of personnel that includes evacuation procedures, drills, first aid supplies, appropriate fire detection, extinguishing equipment and emergency exits. Appropriate training in occupational safety and health and emergency response will be provided to all workers.

Safety and product quality

All products used and manufactured must comply with the safety and quality standards required by applicable law.


Environnemental management system

The company is committed to documenting, implementing and maintaining an Environmental Policy and a management system based on the principles and requirements of the international standard ISO 14001, designed to identify, control and minimize environmental impacts, maintaining a preventive approach to environmental management.

Permits and reporting

The Company ensures that it obtains all the necessary environmental permits to carry out the activity, as well as following the guidelines for reporting and legally valid registrations at all times.

Safety of hazardous products and materials

All hazardous substances, chemicals and materials must be properly identified, having the necessary documentation to ensure their proper transportation, handling, storage and use, complying with all restrictions and product safety requirements. All applicable laws and regulations related to hazardous substances, chemicals and materials will be strictly followed and all employees will be provided with accurate information on their safety practices.

Resources consumption and pollution prevention

The Company is committed to optimizing the consumption of natural resources, including water and energy, and to implement specific measures to prevent pollution and minimize the emission of pollutant gases, the generation of waste and wastewater, nevertheless generated waste and wastewater will be treated appropriately before Disposal or discharge in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Legal compliance

The Company undertakes to comply with all national and international laws and regulations, ILO conventions and any other regulatory requirement.

Respect for free competition

Free competition will be respected, avoiding illicit behaviour, especially those referring to agreements between competitors for pricing, production limitation and market distribution or supply sources.

Information and confidentiality

The Company undertakes to preserve the information, both its own and external, and to implement the necessary measures to maintain its confidentiality and use it strictly for authorized purposes.

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption

An ethical and transparent position will be maintained against bribery and corruption, bribes or personal inappropriate advantages will not be offered or accepted to obtain or retain a business or advantage of a third party, both public and private. No actions of any kind involving the violation of national or international anti-corruption laws will be taken.

Conflict of interests

The Company undertakes to prevent situations that may involve conflicts of interest with both Suppliers and Customers, including the possible interests of employees.

Complaint mechanisms

A claims management system will be implemented, so that they are properly documented and recorded, taking appropriate actions for each case in a confidential manner.
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