NERIDE Biocircular is a nylon 6 yarn that utilizes resources derived from bio-waste materials. NERIDE Biocircular is sourced from materials such as used cooking oils (UCO) and by-products from the food chain.
NERIDE Biocircular nylon fibers are 100% of biological origin, with the origin of the raw materials certified by ISCC Plus.
Sustainable Benefits
- NERIDE Biocircular plays a crucial role in decreasing reliance on non-renewable resources.
- Bio-origin raw materials have a lower Carbon foot print.

biosourced nylon 6
NERIDE Biocircular provides from Bio-waste sourced materials, not competing with food chain:
- Used Cooking Oil (UCO) only vegetable origin
- Crude Tall Oil (CTO) by-product of the paper and wood industry
- Different by-products from the Palm Oil production

iscc PLUS Mass Balance Certification
- ISCC Plus Mass Balance Certification is a sustainability certification system used in the bioenergy and bio-based product sectors.
- It ensures traceability and sustainability of materials throughout the supply chain.
- The certification verifies that the production of materials follows predefined sustainability criteria, including social, environmental, and economic aspects.
- Mass balance certification allows for the mixing of sustainable and non-sustainable materials in the supply chain.
- It provides transparency and credibility to stakeholders by tracking the sustainable sourcing and use of materials in the production process.

NUREL's Circularity Process